My Goal for the Year: Consistency

When New Year’s came around, I didn’t have a clear “resolution” for the year. I had a lot of goals, ideas, and plans, which mostly centered around developing healthy habits with exercise, healthy eating, and embracing more intellectual pursuits outside of ELE (like most small business owners, I find it hard not to be completely obsessed with my business and all the ideas I have for it!),  but I know that getting away from it will make me refreshed, better, and smarter! 

Embracing New Habits for a Refreshed and Smarter Me

As the clock struck midnight and we welcomed another year, I found myself without a traditional New Year's resolution. Instead, my mind was a whirlwind of goals, ideas, and plans. The core of my aspirations centered around nurturing healthy habits in exercise and nutrition and broadening my intellectual horizons. 

Like many small business owners, my life orbits around my business, engrossed in the endless stream of innovative ideas for growth. However, I recognized the importance of stepping back from this whirlwind. Diving into new pursuits and habits promised a respite and a pathway to becoming a refreshed, better version of myself.

So, I pushed myself to continue to develop more hobbies and interests!

A Journey into Low-Impact Exercise

My venture into establishing new habits began with a commitment to exercise, a realm I had never ventured into with much enthusiasm. My approach was simple yet transformative—easy, low-impact workouts at home. I've curated a rotation with free 15-20-minute YouTube videos and sessions with low-impact bands and weights. The results have been nothing short of remarkable. Better sleep, improved mood, and a surge in energy—all while managing my ADD. Six months into this journey, the struggle of incorporating regular exercise into my routine has evolved into a love affair with movement. It's become my all-time favorite habit, a testament to the adage that persistence pays off.

Fueling My Mind and Soul

Beyond physical health, I've pursued hobbies that challenge and expand my mind. Here's a glimpse into the new habits that have enriched my life:

  • Duo Lingo - Spanish! Learning a new language has opened up a world of cultures, perspectives, and opportunities. With its rich history and global significance, Spanish has been my choice of study. Each lesson brings me closer to a broader world.

  • Atomic Habits: The Power of 1% Improvements - This philosophy has been a guiding light, emphasizing minor, consistent improvements. It's a reminder that grand changes begin with single, manageable steps.

  • Audiobooks - A Continued Passion! My love for audiobooks has only grown. Whether it's fiction that transports me to another world or nonfiction that expands my understanding, audiobooks are a constant source of joy and learning. These titles have left a lasting impact, offering profound insights and unforgettable narratives: 

    • The Wager 

    • Brooklyn Bridge

    • Atomic Habits

    • Leaders Eat Last 

Exploring the World Around Me

Living in a bustling city offers endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. My new habits include:

  • Bird Watching as Active Meditation - I’m part of the Saturday Morning McGolrick Park Bird Club, a volunteer group of neighbors that walk our local park, spotting and sharing bird sightings. It’s a true blast, completely free, and I’ve noticed so much of the world around me. Many of the birds I’ve seen have traveled thousands of miles from Central and South America and are stopping en route to their summer homes in Canada and other points north. 

These new habits have transformed my life in ways I could never have imagined. They've taught me the importance of balance, the joy of discovery, and the value of persistence. As I continue this journey, I am excited to see where these paths will lead me.

To those contemplating changes in their lives, I say: start small, be consistent, and embrace the journey. The results might just surprise you!


5 in 5: Louie D’Ottavio


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