5 in 5: Erin Leonard

Introducing our new interview series, "5 in 5" featuring our favorite partners!

The goal of this series is to take 5 minutes to have our valued partners and colleagues answer 5 questions highlighting their background, goals, and valuable industry insights.

To kick it off, we sat down with our CEO, Erin Leonard.

1. What inspired your career in the event industry, and how has it evolved since then?

Events have always been my passion. In 2008, during my first internship with an At-Large Boston City Councilor, I organized a groundbreaking off-site public Council hearing. The experience highlighted the transformative power of events for me. This marked the beginning of my event planning journey, which later spanned government, nonprofits, and corporate roles, and ultimately led to the founding of ELE in 2019.

2. Can you share a memorable challenge you've faced in your role and how you conquered it?

One memorable challenge is managing a fully remote team at ELE. While remote work offers flexibility, it's different from the hybrid model. We've honed virtual connection methods like weekly 1:1s, impromptu Zoom calls, and post-client call debriefs. Challenges are opportunities, and we've found our sweet spots.

3. What's the most exciting trend shaping the event planning landscape today?

Events are booming! In a world saturated with online ads, in-person events are the new frontier. We're seeing more companies use events for meaningful connections. Face-to-face is at a premium, leading to shorter event agendas, destination-based gatherings, and the chance to combine professional trips with personal vacations.

4. How do you collaborate with stakeholders to create unforgettable experiences for clients?

Collaboration is key. I embrace an open "yes and" mindset, valuing contributions from clients, teams, vendors, and partners. I bring big-picture thinking while honoring the implementers' expertise in logistics. Combining our strengths allows us to create extraordinary events.

5. What advice do you have for aspiring event planners?

Embrace your uniqueness. Event planners are thoughtful, detail-oriented problem solvers. Be bold, share your big ideas, and push for innovation. Seek opportunities that resonate and align with your strengths. Don't shy away from challenges; they often lead to the most rewarding experiences. Collaborate with those who complement your skills, and success will follow. If you're authentic and passionate, you'll thrive in the dynamic world of events.

Also, check out our Job Openings at ELE. We’re always looking for future team members and will keep resumes on file even if we don’t have active openings. 


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